Home / Government / Council / Allen Webber

Allen Webber

District 4
Chester Basin, Chester Grant, Borgels Point, and part of Middle River

Warden Allen Webber was first elected to Council for the Municipality of the District of Chester in 1982. As a Councillor for District 4, this is Allen's 8th term as the Warden.

Allen has lived in Chester Basin his whole life and has been involved in many community organizations over the years. He has three sons. He is a member of the Grey Grant Society and Royal Canadian Legion, Everett Branch #88, Chester Basin. His interests include vintage cars, including his MG.

Committee and Appointment Roster

(the Warden has the option of attending all meetings and having access to all meeting information)

  • Audit Committee
  • Committee of the Whole
  • Joint Building/Fire Inspection Services Steering Committee
  • Landfill Consultation Committee
  • Community Use of Schools (ACES)
  • Community Use of Schools (FHCS)
  • Regional Emergency Measures (REMO)
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